February 01: InTow is in the process of developing a new eCommerce website for InTowOnline.com, using the platform Shopify, to make the buying process better for skiers. It will take a couple of weeks to get it completely built. Skiers can continue to order online using the current platform.

Spectra 1/4″ vs Polypro 3/8″

I made this video back in 2016 and had it on the InTow website for several years, but kinda of forgot about it until recently. Towards the end of this video I talk about offering skiers 5/16″ polypro rope in place of 3/8″ polypro rope. In 2020, I no longer had the 5/16″ polypro rope and would string a handle up in either 1/4″ Spectra or 3/8″ polypro. Now, in 2024, with the overwhelming large majority of InTow skiers choosing spectra rope over polypro rope, I have decided to stop carrying polypro handles. I made this video, because every year I get a few skiers concerned the spectra rope will be too hard on their body/shoulders. A few years back a shortline skier ordered a handle who has always skied with an InTow 5/16″ polypro handle, and since that was no longer available decided to give the spectra handle a try. After skiing with his Spectra handle for a while, he ordered a back up handle and chose the spectra rope again over going with a 3/8″ polypro handle. This is what he emailed me, “I have no more soreness with the spectra so I should be good to go”. If you are experiencing soreness, then your best bet is to purchase a new slalom mainline. A fresh rope does wonders for a skier’s body!